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#1 빛나는 밤_ Shining night
single channel video _20min_ 2018
----- CV
----- WORKS
++발견된 위치 없음 (2020)++
++ 홀로쑈_Hollow show (2019) ++
ㄴ #1 Show window
ㄴ#2 Foyer
ㄴ#3 Lounge
ㄴ #4 Gallery
ㄴ#5 Courtyard
ㄴ#6 Ballroom
++ 완성된 몸_Completed body (2019)++
++ 드로잉 전시_Drawing exhibition (2019)++
++ 불꽃 축제_Fireworks Festival (2018)++
ㄴ#1 불타는 밤_Burning Night
ㄴ #2 터지는 폭죽들_Exploding Fireworks
ㄴ #3모닥불 주변의 춤꾼과 가수_A Dancer and a Singer
ㄴ#4 Take the cake
++ 낙원으로_To paradise (2018) ++
ㄴ #1 빛나는 밤_ Shining night
ㄴ #2 순한 짐승_A gentle beast
++Paradise of stag beetle (2018) ++
++ 마르지 않는_ Does not dry (2017)++
++ 공원 생활_ Life in the park (2015-2016)++
ㄴ #1 꺼지 지 않는_Undying
ㄴ #2 마르지 않는_Does not dry
ㄴ#3 흔들리지 않는_Stable
ㄴ #4 살아있는_Living
ㄴ #5 튼튼한 다리_Sturdy legs
ㄴ #6 모래 놀이_Sand play
ㄴ #7 나무와 남자_A tree and a man
ㄴ #8 짐승_A Beast
ㄴ #9 먹이주는 시간_Time to feed
ㄴ #10 화살 없는 활_An arrowless bow
ㄴ#11 물 놀이_Water play
ㄴ #12 휴식 시간_Break time
++ 텅 (2012) ++
++ 빛의 중독_poisoning of light (2007)++
++ 없애다..없어지다, (2009) ++
++ 눈가리고아웅 (2013) ++
++ You can’t leave me (2009) ++
++ circular reasoning (2016) ++
2019_Hollow show_B39
2019_THe completed body_inchon
2018_beyond thingking _goyang artgallery
2016_Life in the park _space Onewall
2016_Romantic Compass_gcc
2015_Freez Frame_175gallery
Archiving Babel
----- REVIEW
드롭다운 헤더
드롭다운 헤더
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